Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Birth of Leadership Undertaking

When you look up the definition for the word undertaking on www.dictionary.com you will find simple definitions like "to take upon oneself, to obligate oneself, to warrant or guarantee, assume the duty of attending to ..." and my personal favorite "to engage onself by promise." In the consulting indutry, of which I work, there are a number of senior individuals that promote themselves as "leaders" within the company. You could say they've "taken upon themselves" the glory of being perceived as the initiators of positive change in our company but the reality is far more revealing. Their opinion of themselves is only qualified their longevity and not through their actions. Unfortunatley, the real leadership goes unnoticed, unthanked and unrewarded among ranks of the staff. It is for this reason I haved "engaged myself by promise" to undertake the exploration of leadership and it's many facets.

What is true leadership?
Is it inhereted genetically or developed through learned behavior?
Do some people have it and others don't?
Can an individual acquire it through time and effort?

Over time, I hope my thoughts and feelings will shed more light on the essence of leadership and open the minds of others to paradigms they never knew existed. If nothing else is accomplished, I hope I am able to better understand for myself what leadership is and how it can be utilized for the better good of an individual, organization and the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.